Chapter 267, Writing a Letter to Lilith

The next morning dawned.

The whole incident had spread within the Association.

The merchant ship had established a prison cell, holding young girls from the island captive as food for fresh blood. This revelation instantly stirred everyone's anger and hatred.

Even those who were not good people would not commit such vicious acts.

"Damn it, to think someone could do such a thing."

"It must be vampires, those creatures never change their nature."

"So many girls went missing on the island and it's only discovered now, there must be an insider."

"Once I find them, I'll flay their skin off."

The hall was filled with cursing voices, and some even shouted for the Association to name the culprits.

They wanted to seek revenge on those people.


In Deputy Steward Xi Ligui's study.

Knock knock knock~!

The door was knocked upon, and the dwarf Olin walked in.

"Deputy Steward, you summoned me?" Olin appeared somewhat exhausted.