Chapter 15: Dissection Room (Thanks to the alliance leader Chirp_Snow for the 100,000 reward)_1

"Notice: The anatomy class scheduled for 2:30 p.m. will no longer be in the large classroom 601, but moved to Dissection Room 1003."

After Chen Gong woke up, he saw the message sent by the class committee member in the class group chat.

Switched to a practical class?

Going to the dissection lab for the first class, Chen Gong suddenly felt an inexplicable surge in pressure.

There wouldn't be an assessment in the first class, would there?

Chen Gong shook his head, got out of bed, and washed his face. It was just past two, still half an hour before the class started.

The group chat was buzzing with messages, everyone curious about the anatomy class.

Shou Weixiang: "May I ask, for our first anatomy class, what should we be mindful of? How can we pretend to be experienced dissectors?"

Zhang Jun: "When you get there, give yourself a cut first, a respectful dissection."

"That's not enough, you should first take out your own heart and ask the teacher, 'Do you think this heart's coronary arteries look pretty?'"


A flurry of messages got the group chat boiling with excitement.

Obviously, everyone was looking forward to the practical class in the afternoon.

However, Shou Weixiang continued with another question:

"Please tell me, for our first anatomy class, does the school provide the cadavers, or do we need to prepare our own?"

As soon as these words came out, the group chat quieted down.

The female class leader, Tao Shengnan, sent a direct reply: "If your family is well-off, you can bring your own."

"We've discussed it in our dorm, and decided to crowdfund for it. Our dorm can contribute a humerus, which dorm is willing to offer a skull?"


After a spell of idle chat, everyone got up and started making their way to the lab.

On the way, Shou Weixiang's roommates looked at him with disdain:

"Do you know? Just now, there was a ninety percent chance you were mistaken for a cadaver!"

Shou Weixiang gave a sheepish smile: "No worries, I can model for everyone when we come back to review the anatomy class."

Chen Gong silently looked at Shou Weixiang and shook his head:

"Overweight body, obscure bony landmarks, a high probability of fatty liver, disappearance of the physiological curvature of the cervical spine... No way, you're clearly not suitable as a specimen."

"Besides, if you were the specimen, most of us would surely fail the class!"

At Chen Gong's words, Shou Weixiang immediately became irate, while the rest couldn't help but laugh.

The afternoon in September was rather hot.


The moment everyone set foot in the laboratory building, they couldn't help but shiver, a sudden chill enveloping them.

"Damn, why do I feel a bit chilly?" Shou Weixiang crossed his arms, "Do you guys feel it too?"

Everyone nodded: "Yeah, it's definitely cool, but... in a strange way."

The temperature inside the whole laboratory building seemed to drop dramatically compared to outside.

"Is the air conditioning on?"

"I don't think so?"

At this point, Yang Pengwei, who had been quiet, suddenly said:

"Didn't you see what people said online?"

"All dissection labs at medical universities are eerily cool, no matter when you enter, it's like the chilliness of a morgue."

"What's kept here are not living things. There's a mortuary, the lab, and many tissue specimens soaked in formalin."

"This might be the cooling of souls!"

"Who knows how many bodies are in here?"

These remarks made everyone involuntarily pull their clothes tighter.

The problem was, the lighting in the hallway was rather dim, adding a touch of horror to the atmosphere.

Chen Gong shook his head and said:

"Shanhe Medical University's history records state that our school has 135 cadavers in total, with roughly 10 new donations each year. Fresh ones are soaked in formalin after dissection or turned into specimens to serve as 'professors'."

"In addition, besides these cadavers, there are also some infant corpses, most of which were made after congenital early demise."

"Moreover, the majority are skeletal specimens. At the time of Shanhe Medical University's establishment, due to a shortage of specimens for students to study, Professor Li Xuezheng, an expert in dissection, once led the staff of the teaching and research office to dig up graves in the wild."

"They excavated over a hundred, but the exact number is unknown."

At Chen Gong's words, everyone present couldn't help feeling a shiver down their spine.

Who knew what they were about to face next?

A female student couldn't help but say, "You're joking, right?"

"Are those specimens real?"

"Not models?"

Chen Gong shook his head: "When the real thing is cheaper than the counterfeit, who would use fakes?"

As they spoke, the group had arrived at the entrance of the dissection room.

Suddenly, a scream rang out.


The crowd was startled by this sound as well.

After entering, they discovered that there was a skeleton specimen at the entrance.

However, as medical students, most could accept this, and with so many people around, nobody paid any mind to a mere skeleton specimen.

"Come on, take a photo with me!"

One student casually draped the skeleton's arm over their shoulder and asked their roommate to take a picture.

Following his lead, other students began to get creative.

Some put a cigarette in its mouth, others made the victory sign with its hand.

In any case, the tense atmosphere from before had instantly dissipated.

Chen Gong alone had a grave expression on his face while looking at the skeleton.

[Ding! Scene task triggered: Find Differences.]

[Identify the bones on this skeleton that don't belong to it and find the correct ones.]

[Find the differences to earn 500 points, and find the correct bones to get an additional 1000 points reward.]

Chen Gong was momentarily stunned.

This skeleton was... hybrid?

After the novelty wore off, everyone finally let go of it.

With a sigh, Chen Gong walked over, looked at it, and said silently in his heart, "You've been dead for so long and still have to work, tough life!"

Chen Gong, like most teachers, held these skeletons in high respect.

After all, nobody would want their remains dug up and turned into a specimen for public display centuries after death.

With about ten minutes until class started,

Chen Gong started to carefully inspect the skeleton, walking back and forth.

Truth be told, spotting the differences was quite difficult. It was a skeleton, after all, with only bones remaining, and after so many years, its appearance had changed significantly.

So for Chen Gong to spot any differences would be no mean feat.

Moreover... didn't the person who made this know to begin with?

And so, Chen Gong began to observe the skeleton carefully and in detail.

The skeleton had an average height, around one meter sixty or so, but it was a male skeletal specimen.

Seeing Chen Gong standing by the skeleton without speaking for a long time, Shou Weixiang thought Chen Gong wanted to take a photo and said with a laugh, "Chen Gong, do you want to take a photo too?"

Class president Tao Shengnan also said with a smile, "Yeah, Chen Gong, you're being too timid."

"Just say what you're thinking."

While speaking, Tao Shengnan suddenly noticed something special and quickly squatted down, pointing at the pelvic bone and saying, "Hey, look, this is heart-shaped, isn't it?"

"And it's pretty too!"

With that, she touched the heart-shaped hole with her hand.

"This has to be a woman!"

Tao Shengnan said confidently.

But Chen Gong shook his head, "Class president, if I'm not mistaken... this should be a male."

"And what you just touched was the pelvic inlet."

"Usually, females have a round or oval shape, broad in the front and back."

"Whereas males have a heart shape, narrow in the front and back."

"In females, this is also called the obstetric conjugate, so it's quite broad."

"And for males... this is actually the passage for the urinary and reproductive systems."

With those words, Tao Shengnan felt somewhat embarrassed since she had just squatted down and leaned her face close to the heart-shaped hole.

The position was somewhat awkwardly suggestive.

Shou Weixiang, on the other hand, seized the moment to snap a photo.

"Hahaha... Awesome!"

"Tao Shengnan, you're not just victorious, you're a true heroine. You didn't even spare this... skeleton!"


By now, Tao Shengnan was furiously glaring at Chen Gong:

"Like you know so much!"

"Pssh, definitely talking nonsense..."

However, at that moment, someone walked in with a smile:

"Hehe, this student is not wrong at all, it's clear that you have an understanding of the human anatomical skeletal system."


ps: Thank you to Xue'er for once again becoming the lord of this book. Xue'er has accompanied Laoshou for four years now, from when the story of 'Cheating as a Doctor' began until now... Thank you for your unwavering support.

In this new book period, I hope everyone can follow along, my deepest thanks.

All the tips, increased updates after going premium, I believe Laoshou's updates are still relatively reliable...