Chapter 18: I Think I Can Do It Too... (Thanks to 'I am Liang Chen I Fear Who' Clan Leader for the Generous 100,000 Reward)_1

"Alright, the first lesson, familiarize yourself with the skeleton!"

As he spoke, Qin Xuehai directly carried the skeleton rack from the doorway up to the podium and said:

"Let me introduce a teacher to you all. This teacher is also one of the founding members of our school, even predating my arrival."

"This teacher, after C14 testing, turned out to be an adult male from the last years of the Ming Dynasty."

"In fact, as you may have noticed, there are many bones in the classroom, most of which were excavated during the founding of the school by the old professors themselves."

"Many of them are nameless and identityless, without any information to be traced."

"However, it is precisely because of these unknown individuals that medical science has advanced."

"Now, stand up and give thanks to this teacher."

As he spoke, Qin Xuehai stepped down from the podium, leaving only the skeleton rack up there.

Just at that moment...

Suddenly, a distant voice started resounding in the classroom.

"Teacher, there are two teachers on the stage."

"One male teacher, and also one female teacher..."

"Whom should we thank?"

Upon these words, the atmosphere in the classroom, already filled with skeletal specimens and somewhat eerie, became even chillier.

There was clearly only one skeleton rack on the stage, so how come there were two teachers?

Was it haunted!?

In an instant, everyone stared at the skeleton on the stage, involuntarily swallowing their saliva, filled with trepidation.

And all eyes uniformly turned toward the source of the voice—Chen Gong!

Even Qin Xuehai looked at Chen Gong with some surprise.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Xuehai looked sternly at Chen Gong, his gaze tinged with displeasure.

He had been very satisfied with Chen Gong's performance before; the student showed a certain talent.

But... such an out-of-place remark made him somewhat angry.

Hearing this, Chen Gong didn't shy away but stood up seriously and said:

"I think that, if we are to respect the other, shouldn't we at least provide a complete body?"

Upon hearing Chen Gong's words, Qin Xuehai couldn't help but frown.

What did he mean?

Based on his previous understanding of Chen Gong, he wouldn't be speaking without reason.

With that thought, Qin Xuehai relaxed and deliberately walked down to the floor, gesturing invitingly to Chen Gong:

"Come, this student, explain to everyone what exactly you mean."

Chen Gong hesitated for a moment, then walked up.

At this point, he was less than 300 points away from the 10,000-point threshold.

And now was such an opportunity.

However, the main reason wasn't the points; compared to the change in points, he felt it was more important to provide this "gentleman" with a complete body.

This "gentleman," who had been forced into service in the anatomy lab for decades, should have the right to pursue his own femur...

Chen Gong simply stated outright:

"This skeleton is indeed an adult male, but... not entirely so."

As he spoke, Chen Gong directly lifted up the other party's right leg and said, "However, this femur does not belong to him."

"This is the right femur of a female."

Hearing this, the crowd below immediately erupted.

And Qin Xuehai instantly frowned, this was no joking matter!

While a mistaken skeletal specimen wasn't anything serious, a mistaken specimen that went unnoticed for decades was no small matter.

Therefore, Qin Xuehai hurriedly stood up and walked over, asking Chen Gong curiously.

"Oh? What's wrong with it?"

After saying that, he carefully compared the two femurs.

But no matter how much he inspected them, he couldn't find anything amiss.

He even took out a protractor, which showed just how serious Qin Xuehai was.

Chen Gong glanced at Qin Xuehai: "These two bones may seem very similar, but... they actually belong to two completely different individuals."

After hearing Chen Gong's words, Qin Xuehai grew even more curious and observed the details even more seriously.

And at this moment, all the students in the classroom were captivated by the exchange between Qin Xuehai and Chen Gong.

Nobody expected that in this first class, Chen Gong would challenge the anatomy teacher.

Anatomy knowledge raced through Qin Xuehai's mind, but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Whether it be the quality, thickness, mass, angles, or length, they're all nearly identical!

Where exactly did the problem arise?

His mind became a mess in an instant.

To be honest, this feeling was just like when he was in school, having drawn the wrong anatomy diagram, and the tutor pointed out a mistake but didn't specify where it was, leaving him to find the reason himself.

Where should I even begin to look?

Besides, these are bones from a creature hundreds of years old; why be so critical? Any bone that can be used should suffice!

Nowadays, people even have prosthetics…

After tossing and turning it over several times, Qin Xuehai still couldn't find any clues.

Suddenly, he thought of something and was momentarily stunned!

Right... how did I come to preconceivedly believe a student?

Qin Xuehai was at a loss for words, clearly having preconceivedly trusted Chen Gong. This guy...

Finding points to refute him was far too easy!

Thinking this, Qin Xuehai clapped his hands, "Alright, everyone, listen to me."

"First of all, I do want to praise this student for his explorative spirit and quality."

"However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this leg."

"The femur, it's a rather special bone in the human body, the bone here in our thighs."

"It's the longest and strongest long bone in the human body!"

"It bears the greatest weight of the body."

"But identifying this bone is quite interesting. Pay attention, I will explain to you the special identification techniques."

"This is not mere knowledge from anatomy."

In the midst of speaking, Qin Xuehai, with a mysterious look filled with a touch of pride and self-satisfaction, said to everyone:

"The identification I am talking about is the standard used in forensic science for skeletal identification."

"This femur, between the neck and the body, has an angle called the neck-shaft angle, with men averaging 132° and women averaging 127°."

"However, I just measured, and both are around 132 degrees, so without a doubt, they both are the femurs of an adult male, no issues at all."

"Moreover, both bones' density, thickness, and weight are almost identical."

"So you can rest assured on this point; these should be the femurs of an adult male."

"Does this student, have anything else to say?"

Qin Xuehai looked at Chen Gong with a full-faced smile, his eyes carrying a trace of teasing and scrutiny.

The classmates on the scene were also stunned.

Nobody expected that anatomy would somehow lead to forensic science!

Was Mr. Qin that amazing?!

Just like the viral saying online, the most impressive person you might encounter in your life could be your university professor.

This goes without saying at many prestigious universities.

And Shanhe Medical University was no exception; Qin Xuehai was indeed a big shot.

And at this moment, this big shot was watching Chen Gong with great interest, yet to his surprise, Chen Gong seemed not the least bit astonished.

Instead, he looked as if nothing were out of the ordinary and nodded.

Forensic science, huh?

It seems... I know that too!

With this thought, Chen Gong said:

"Indeed, forensic science has profound research on the femur, but... Mr. Qin, you might not have kept up with the latest papers."

"Or rather, the research on the neck-shaft angle you mentioned is actually over twenty years old."

"Anatomy is developing, and forensic science is also flourishing."

"The determination of gender from skeletal remains is becoming an increasingly important aspect of forensic anthropology. The methods are simple, observing the gender differences from the shape of the bones, not requiring many precious instruments. And since the femur, as a long bone, is sturdy and not easily damaged, it is commonly found at actual crime scenes, making it highly likely to be sent for examination; therefore, there has been extensive research in recent years."

"The research on the neck-shaft angle, due to its lower accuracy, has been superseded, whether it's the method from Professor Black in the United States in 1988 or the method from Professor King in '98."

"Also, the latest paper in 'Forensic Anthropology' has increased the measurement data for the femur to 27 items, including maximum length, physiological length, medial condyle length... among these 27 data points..."

"Then, using SPSS software, after Fisher's discriminant analysis, a multi-index function discriminant can be applied to reach a conclusion!"

"Following the analysis, this is indeed a female's femur."

Chen Gong's words caused the room to fall suddenly quiet...

Everyone stared at Chen Gong as if he were a monster.

Even Qin Xuehai couldn't keep his composure.

You, a student from the clinical department, why do you know so much about forensic papers?

Could you be... somewhat off?!