Chapter 24: Talent_1

Xu Tong was very curious about Chen Gong.

When submitting the paper, Chen Gong's personal information was not detailed, with little record or description available.

Xu Tong was not aware of such a figure's emergence from the basic medical science community.

Hence, he was filled with curiosity and anticipation.

But even though they had not met, character indicated the person, and one capable of writing such a paper and hypothesis was surely no ordinary individual.

Yang Guangye's face tightened at first, Professor Chen?

"Professor Chen? Professor Xu, are you talking about Chen Gong?"

Xu Tong smiled faintly and nodded, "Yes!"

"Although we have not met, his scholarship dazzled me, his words emanating with a unique spirit."

"It's a research thinking spirit that many of us are gradually lacking."

"In our field, the further we go, the more likely our thinking becomes rigid, even though technology and knowledge are growing. However, that spirit of scientific research is gradually being lost."

"Although through his words, I could sense a bit of greenness; he might be a newcomer, a young person, but... his spirit is very rare!"

"The key point is that current research encourages youth. That's the reason. We need the creativity and active thinking of young people, that is... the spirit of scientific research!"

"On this point, I'll be honest, I hold Professor Chen in high regard!"

"Not ashamed to admit it, I've read through this paper many times, yet with each reading, I can see his divergent thinking ability in research. He truly has unlimited talent!"

"This hypothesis is well written; he has a thorough understanding of the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, the Carnot Cycle, and possesses deep knowledge in clinical testing, even in pathology, he is quite studious!"

"This is a rare talent with a strong foundation in research and scientific spirit!"

"Although I don't understand why he listed Yang Li's name as his supervisor instead of yours, Dean Yang."

"Perhaps there is some misunderstanding between you!"

"But, Dean Yang, I must urge you to pay attention to the discovery and nurturing of talent."

"As the saying goes, I implore the heavens to give their best, to appreciate talent in every unique way!"

"I think someone like Professor Chen, a promising talent, must be unearthed and not buried."

"The hierarchal thinking in our academic circles based on seniority should not exist!"

"Knowledge can be accumulated slowly, but talent and the spirit for scientific research can't be acquired over time!"

"I must say, some industries do still depend on innate talent!"

"Especially the further we go, the more it relies on talent!"

Xu Tong seemed to have anticipated that Chen Gong must have had some issues with Yang Guangye, thus the decision to have Yang Li as his listed supervisor.

It also seemed rather amusing to him.

Meanwhile, Yang Guangye and Yang Li exchanged glances, their eyes filled with complex, mixed emotions.

What kind of grudge could there be?!

This Professor Xu is...

However, truth be told, both were deeply moved by Professor Xu's praise for Chen Gong.

At this moment...

Yang Li quickly said, "Professor Xu, you've misunderstood!"

"There's no misunderstanding between Chen Gong and Dean Yang!"

"Actually, they haven't even met face-to-face, so how could there be any misunderstanding?"

Yang Guangye could only offer a wry smile and shake his head; he almost wished Chen Gong had a minor quarrel with him.

At present, the two had absolutely no interaction.

Even compared to Xu Tong's praises for Chen Gong, he did not fall short.

The insights that Chen Gong's paper provided him were immense!

At this moment, Yang Guangye carefully took some notes out of his bag:

"Professor Xu, you might find it hard to believe."

"But this Chen Gong is still a kid. He's only twenty this year and is a sophomore at our Medical University's Clinical College!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Tong frowned deeply.

"Dean Yang, are you jesting?"

Yang Guangye spread his hands helplessly, "I'm not joking."

"Do you know why he listed Yang Li as the supervisor?"

"It's because Yang Li is the class advisor for his class."

"Moreover, Yang Li provided him with some preliminary materials."

Yang Li also nodded her head in an embarrassed manner at this point.

She never would have guessed that her first paper of high quality and impact factor would come out... like this?

And what had she contributed?

Well, prepared some materials?

Or was it sitting with him for an afternoon reading, and then buying him a glass of lemon water?

It seemed that was all, wasn't it?

But when compared to such a high-quality paper with an impact factor, and more importantly...

the accompanying major National Natural Science Foundation project!

Does all this... have something to do with her?!

At that moment, Yang Li felt as if she were dreaming.

Thinking it through, Yang Li pulled out a form and handed it to Xu Tong, "Professor Xu, we're not tricking you."

"All this is real!"

"Chen Gong is indeed a sophomore student, but... he is not just any student."

"His clinical thinking ability, his spirit for scientific research, his foundational knowledge—these are all outstanding!"

"This is simply not the quality of a student."

Xu Tong stared at the information about Chen Gong on the form and didn't speak for a long time.

Truthfully, he found it hard to believe this fact!

A 20-year-old scientific prodigy?

This kid... is simply a monster!




Compared to Yang Guangye, Qin Xuehai was also very busy.

He immediately sought out Hong Mou, a professor at the Medical University's forensic science department.

When he went there, he even specifically brought a few femurs with him.

Upon seeing Qin Xuehai arrive with several bones, Hong Mou was stunned at first: "Eh?"

"What's this for?"

"The orthopedic department head really is different, huh? Heading out with a few bones?!"

Hong Mou previously had been the director of the city's forensic center, with extensive experience. Although he was now a professor at Medical University, he was still an advisor there and served as the vice-chairman of Shanhe Province's forensic medicine association.

Qin Xuehai immediately laughed: "As the head of orthopedics, isn't it quite normal for me to carry a few bones when I go out?"


Hong Mou immediately burst into laughter. He was of a robust build and had gradually gained weight after leaving the city bureau, with quite a noticeable belly. He stood up and poured a cup of tea for Qin Xuehai.

"No one visits the Three Treasures Hall without a reason, spit it out, what's the matter?"

It was then that Qin Xuehai finally explained the reason for his visit: "There really is a matter!"

"Old Hong, can you help me look at these three femurs, which two are a pair?"

As soon as Hong Mou heard this, his interest was instantly piqued, and his muddy eyes became serious and focused in a flash.

He pulled out a pair of special measuring devices from a drawer and said to Qin Xuehai: "Oh? Put them down, let me take a look."

As he spoke, Hong Mou began the examination.

Qin Xuehai stood to one side and didn't dare to interrupt.

After a full half hour, Hong Mou finally opened his eyes, full of surprise, and said:

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

"This truly is a classic case."

"This could be discussed in a forensic medicine class!"

"The scrutiny of femurs has become increasingly professional over the years. A few years ago, I might not have been able to give a precise answer."

"But now it's different, a recent consensus in the latest journals points to using precise data from 27 indicators and conducting Fisher analysis with SPSS software to get the result."

"This method is currently known as the femur identification standard."


After saying this, Hong Mou directly placed two of the bones together: "These two, they're the real deal pair."

"The other one, though quite similar, still has some subtle differences."

Hong Mou's words made Qin Xuehai so stunned that he was speechless for a long time.

Had he really... been fooled by that kid?!

For a moment, Qin Xuehai actually felt his face flush with embarrassment, thinking of the next time he would see Chen Gong, his old face was feeling quite hot.


This is embarrassing!

Utterly humiliating.

Qin Xuehai couldn't help but cover his face and sigh.

Seeing this, Hong Mou became curious: "Eh? What's wrong with you?"

"Why the sigh?!"

Could Qin Xuehai really talk about something so embarrassing?

Naturally, that would be impossible.

After some thought, he merely asked: "Old Hong, is this femur identification standard something everyone can master? Isn't it not very difficult?"

Upon hearing this, Hong Mou burst into laughter, pointing at Qin Xuehai, he said:

"You guy."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"However, since you've asked, I might as well tell you."

"Although this expert consensus has been reached, not many are able to skillfully grasp the formula and achieve accurate results, most importantly mastering the 27 measurement indicators. "

"It requires talent and skill!"

"I mulled over this wholeheartedly for over two months before I started to see some effects."

"For most people, it would certainly take over half a year, right?"

"Not to mention, this expert consensus has only been out for a little over three months."


"There likely aren't many who have mastered it yet; in our Shanhe forensic circle, there should be fewer than ten!"

Upon hearing these words, Qin Xuehai fell silent once again.

Fewer than ten in Shanhe Province?!!

And the key point... Chen Gong is a student from the clinical college, isn't he?

This kid... something's not right.

Way too abnormal, isn't he?!