Chapter 33: Successfully Passing the Postgraduate Entrance Exam_1

[Ding! Abnormal points +120!]

[Ding! ...]


Chen Gong felt that helping others should be a good thing.


Why did he receive a bunch of bad reviews?

Especially that 120, was that polite?

Helping others, also considered abnormal?

If he had known, he wouldn't have come back.

Chen Gong sighed, stood up, and left.

Leaving Liu Yuxiao in disarray in the wind...


This shameless guy!

Did he mean to make a fool out of himself, huh?!

Was that polite?

Yang Qingtao and Shou Weixiang felt the deadly aura spreading around them, struggled to breathe, and quickly fled in panic.

Yang Qingtao felt a bit reluctant to leave his meal that he had barely begun, but after one glance at the about-to-explode Liu Yuxiao, he firmly chose safety first.

Shou Weixiang originally wanted to get a WeChat contact, but now it seemed that asking for it could end up in a fierce, menstrual-flavored showdown, so he decided to leave as well.
