Chapter 101: The Battle for Talent! (Please Subscribe)_2


Qin Xuehai took a deep breath, "So, we need to hurry!"

"And I'm going to talk to Chen right now."

"I'll convince him!"

Guan Leshan nodded, "Right, get on it right away!"

Qin Xuehai couldn't bother with formalities anymore, he quickly left the office and went to find Chen Gong.



At this moment, Chen Gong was translating literature in the library.

Previously, Chen Gong admitted that he had underestimated the abilities and skills required to translate professional works.

Chen Gong indeed possessed a sufficient professional vocabulary.

However, translating such professional literature also required terminological competence, which is the knowledge and skills needed to engage in terminological work, use terminological theories and tools to solve terminological issues in the translation process. It has a composite and practical nature, permeating the entire translation process, and is an indispensable professional ability for translators.