Chapter 4: I Have a Knife That Can Drive Away the Cold of 3 Winters_2

Despite being quite busy all morning and having to admit a patient just before clocking out, they were still able to cheerfully say such interesting things.

Chen Gong found that people like Zhao Xi, although slow to warm up, were... actually very easy to get along with.

In fact, the more he interacted with her, the more comfortable he felt.

It was like a piece of jade, initially feeling a bit cool to the skin upon contact, but over time becoming exceptionally smooth and warm.

Chen watched Yang Chen leave, then turned to Zhao Xi with a smile and said,

"Mrs. Zhao, how about I give you a new nickname?"

Zhao Xi looked at Chen Gong curiously, "Oh? What name?"

Chen Gong smiled faintly, "Zhao QQ!"

"You really have got that Ah Q spirit."

"To think of such a great excuse for working overtime."

Instantly incensed, Zhao Xi raised her delicate finger and placed it on top of Chen's head, "Chen!"

"I am seriously doubting your work ethic now!"