Chapter 14: Regulating Scholar! (Please Subscribe)_3

Good grief...

How come they didn't notice?

Qin Xuehai gave Zhou Fengwen a white look, his eyes full of reproach.

You, what nonsense are you talking about!

Now look what you've done.

You've dampened everyone's enthusiasm!

At a table nearby, just as everyone was getting worried, Wu Limin's face lit up with excitement.

He turned around, looked at Chen Gong, and gave a thumbs-up:

"Well done, you spoke really well!"

"Young man..."

"I completely agree with what you just said!"

Chen Gong, seeing the man behind him suddenly turn around, was momentarily stunned.

Seeing this, Qin Xuehai quickly said with a smile, "Excuse us!"

"The student's little opinion, just a laughing matter!"

"Sorry to interrupt."

Wu Limin immediately shook his head with a smile, "No, no, no!"

"No interruption at all!"

"I think what this young man said makes a lot of sense."