【48】 Proficiency +100% (Thanks to 'What's the Meaning of Life Without Being Thick-Skinned' for the reward support)_1

"I heard that Sky God International has already called the police, and the Investigation Team has started to get involved, preparing to find Huan Ling... but it's hard to say now, it's been so long. If I were Huan Ling, I'd have run off long ago."

Tang Huoyang shook his head as he spoke.

Pei Jinye raised an eyebrow, "You know all about these secret matters?"

Tang Huoyang chuckled, "It's only a secret to the outside world. Now, it's all over the inner circles. They say that Huan Ling originally could have been promoted to a seat on the board of directors, but the upper echelons vetoed it, leaving him with a grudge... Some even say that Huan Ling met a front desk girl at Heaven God and took a liking to her, but the girl ended up being seduced by someone higher up... It's really the details that make or break a situation."

Pei Jinye: "..."