【68】Trump Card (Thanks to Wuxian Huangling for the Reward with Monthly Tickets)_1

"Boss Sun?"

The gray-haired elder sized up Pei Jinye with a glance.

Pei Jinye nodded indifferently, "Where's the thing I wanted?"

The gray-haired elder looked over Pei Jinye's shoulder, checking that there were no cops around, then nodded and gestured, "Come in and we'll talk."

This was a small, quadrangle-structured flat, quite shabby and nothing luxurious to speak of.

The old wooden door opened enough for just one person to pass through.

There was a light on inside the room, but from outside, it still looked dim and yellowish.

The gray-haired elder gestured for Pei Jinye to come in.

It was only then that Pei Jinye noticed the room was filled with densely packed weapons.

Behind the counter, a muscular man in a white tank top, sporting a short braid, was wiping a red tassled spear. He glanced at Pei Jinye and didn't pay him much mind.