The person who settles accounts has arrived (thanks to Douchuan Dage for the reward support)_1

As we entered the military zone, the vehicles on the road nearly vanished.

The white birch forests on both sides of the road, however, were bathed in the morning sun.

But soon,

after entering the military zone, we saw a large number of fully armed soldiers standing at the checkpoint, the military vehicles lined up, and even the armored vehicles had their guns mounted.

"We're here,"

just as the limousine stopped, Principal Wang noticed the vehicle ahead being checked and said softly to Pei Jinye, "It seems the Wei Family has already arrived. The rumors are indeed not unfounded. That person is called Wei Xianren, only a year younger than you, and is currently the core seedling of the Wei Family...

As for his talent, it's unclear, but to receive such attention from that old fox of the Wei Family, he definitely has exceptional potential. Keep an eye out when you get the chance, but what's most important is to focus on your own assessment."