[167] A single cannon blast is worth a fortune, annihilates ten thousand households, and can slaughter gods (Seeking monthly vote and recommendations)_2

"Three identities... even a slight error could spell doom."

"Not necessarily!"

Pei Jinye suddenly became distracted and let out a soft chuckle.

He had actually forgotten about his ability to reset.

However, resetting was not infallible.

This ability couldn't possibly allow for infinite rebirths; it would gradually approach death... Although he didn't know the limit, there would definitely be an end one day.

So he couldn't rely on it too much!

Pei Jinye fell into contemplation.

Suddenly, the phone from the Investigation Team buzzed.

He picked it up to check.

It was a message from Brother Bi.

[The team's thinking is that you should come back to base tomorrow morning, sign in at nine, possibly to make a report about tonight's incident. Don't feel burdened, just report the facts. ]
