[185] Mental Modeling, Stealing Ultimate Moves! (Seeking Monthly Passes, Recommendations, and Support)_1

The night was dense.

In the wasteland on the border of Da Peng City and Storm City, only two lonely rows of train tracks stretched into the depths of the night.

The vast fog surged at the edge of the wasteland, continuously spreading.

The night wind hissed, adding a sense of deadly seriousness to the evening.

"Before getting off, I'll say it one last time, weapon check, communication device check, is everything intact?" Inside the vehicle, Brother Bi warned in a low voice.

"Intact," Pei Jinye replied.

Zhou Ye also nodded, "Intact."

"No good comes without trouble, and no trouble comes without reason. Hopefully, we're just here to watch the excitement," Brother Bi sighed, "I hope the heavens don't play tricks on us."

"Brother Bi, please don't say any more..." Zhou Ye grimaced.

But it was Pei Jinye in the back row who silently laughed at the two bickering again.