【228~229】The fourth omnipotent Transcendent! The Old Gods Association shakes people up, exploding into action (seeking monthly tickets)_2

Silver Art immediately replied, "No. By the way, we caught two members of the Sand Flame Association, and Hong Luo will interrogate them later."

Pei Jinye was taken aback.

In his mind, the image of Hong Luo, a young girl, interrogating the tall and strong members of the Sand Flame Association with a whip, inexplicably surfaced.

He typed, "Be careful with concealment. The explosion will attract a lot of attention from Da Peng City, don't get affected by it."

Silver Art replied in an instant again, "Understood, you too."

Just as he was about to put away his phone.

An emergency call from the Investigation Team suddenly came through.

Brother Bi said quickly, "Emergency mission, there's been a major explosion at Da Peng City Seaport, we need support urgently, where are you? The base is asking us to gather as soon as possible."

Pei Jinye reported his location.