Chapter 63 My Sister is Still Young_Part 1

"Mr. Jensen, you're here."

Business at Reverie Inn was booming, and Alfred Webb even considered opening a branch.

And all this was entirely thanks to Greg Jensen.

Moreover, Greg Jensen had now become a shareholder of Reverie Inn, so the staff treated him with great respect. The chefs in the kitchen were quite familiar with him and acted more casual around him.

Greg Jensen took a walk around the hotel and then went to Lois Abbott's office.

"Why did you come over so early?"

"Hehe, I missed you, that's why."

Lois Abbott instinctively took a step back, eyeing him warily, "What are you up to? This is an office, and my dad is right next door."

Greg Jensen said with a mischievous smile, "I've checked, old Webb isn't here, he went to the market."

"That still doesn't make it okay... mmm..."

When Greg Jensen entered, he had locked the door, so before Lois Abbott could react, he kissed her.

At first, Lois Abbott tried to struggle, but after a moment, she began to respond actively.