Chapter 65: Many Strange Events Recently_1

The crowd stepped out of the courtyard and discovered that bricks were being delivered from the factory.

Lindsey Wolfe hurried into the house, took out her small bag, and prepared to pay for the bricks.

It wasn't until they approached that they realized it was Boss Liu himself who had come to deliver the bricks.

Locking eyes with Second Master Jensen, Lindsey felt a sudden surge of foreboding.

Usually, it was Boss Liu's underlings who delivered the bricks; why had he come himself today?

Could it be he was planning to extort more money?

Though Second Master Jensen was somewhat hesitant, as a senior member of the Jensen family, he had no choice but to steel himself and walk over.

Maybe there was still time to negotiate a cheaper price before the bricks were unloaded from the cart.

"Boss Liu, how much for this load of bricks? I'll have Freya pay you,"