Chapter 71 Emergency Treatment_1

Seeing this, the man in black immediately panicked, grabbing the woman's clothes and angrily said, "You hit someone, and you just want to leave like that?"

The woman's face darkened, and she said coldly, "Let go of my hand. My clothes cost over three thousand. Can you afford it if you ruin them?"

"You can't leave until this is resolved!"

The face of the man in black turned beet red, looking like he wanted to explode but didn't dare to.

But, his hand still hadn't loosened.

"Fine, go solve it with Kenny Walker! Go on, do you have the guts?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of the woman's mouth, then she reined in her smile and said with an icy face, "Now, let go!"

The man in black's face turned very ugly, and the veins on his neck bulged.

He glared at the woman with gritted teeth for a long time, but eventually, he deflated like a burst ball, slowly and humiliatingly letting go of his grip.