Chapter 80 A Common Friend_1

Watching Bobby Prince unmoved, Bryce Cooke suddenly panicked, struggling furiously and cursing:

"Bobby, I fucking curse your granny, we've been through shit together, aren't you going to show me any fucking mercy at all?"

"Cut the crap, you two, hold him down!"

After Bobby finished speaking, he lifted the baseball bat in his hand and smashed it hard onto Bryce Cooke's leg.


Following a crisp sound, Bryce Cooke's screams suddenly filled the sky.

"Ah, damn it all to hell, Bobby, I...I'm not done with you..."

"You better pray to God that nobody comes looking for trouble with you!"

Bobby glanced at him, casually threw the baseball bat on the ground, and walked toward Greg Jensen.

The two bodyguards behind him, carrying the ashen-faced Bryce Cooke, followed.

Quiet, a deathly silence!

Moments later, the onlooking bosses suddenly exploded into conversation.

"Damn it, what's going on? Why are they fighting each other?"