Chapter 92 Eat at a Buffet_1

Lois Abbott glanced at Greg Jensen again and smiled, "You don't need to go, it's not okay if nobody takes care of the vegetable field.

Don't worry, our family is in Riverhaven County, nothing will go wrong."

"But... how can I be okay with this?"

Lindsey Wolfe was so moved she couldn't take it, her heart filled with gratitude.

Lois Abbott said with a laugh, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, we are partners after all. Partners should help each other out. If I help you get out of trouble, you can concentrate more on your work."

"This... this is true..."

Lindsey Wolfe smiled sheepishly, her eyes full of gratitude.

"There's no need for us to be so formal with each other. Okay, I've got things to do and I'll be taking Greg with me now."

"Okay... alright then."

Lindsey Wolfe saw the two of them out and watched as Greg boarded Lois's car and left, secretly breathing a sigh of relief in her heart.

She couldn't help but exclaim, "Miss Abbott is really such a good person."