Chapter 104 Heart Clearing Symbol_1

Through the dialogue between the two, he had already figured out what kind of person the middle-aged man was.

For scumbags like this middle-aged man, fists and kicks always work better than reason.

Not convinced?

Then I'll beat you until you are!

Seeing that the middle-aged man was still blustering, Greg Jensen simply got ruthless, beating him until he cried for his father and mother.

Clara Adams, who was nearby, watched the scene with a mix of relief and fear.

Having lost her father at a young age, she was sixteen when her mother married this man, and she had already started working outside.

It was her stepfather, Bruno Barnett, who was idle, living off the mother and daughter like a leech.

All the money they earned went to this piece of trash, without saving a dime.

As a result, when her mother fell ill and was hospitalized, they couldn't even come up with the operation fee. Although they finally scraped together the money, it was too late.