Chapter 119 Are You Teaching Me How to Do Things_1

Kenny Walker looked at her panic-stricken face and laughed again, taunting, "How's your relationship with Greg Jensen now? Has it become more intimate?"


Lois Abbott's body trembled slightly, and her eyes grew misty, but she bit her teeth and said, "Just you wait, once Greg Jensen finds you, he'll make sure you get what you deserve."

"Heh, he's got to find this place first."

Kenny Walker examined Lois Abbott and noticed that she was quite beautiful, with fair skin, a voluptuous figure, and a face that still held the innocence of girlhood while oozing charm.

Women in this state were the most tempting.

Kenny Walker reached down to adjust himself and flashed a sleazy grin, waving at Wayne Cooper, "You guys go out first, I need to take care of a personal issue."

"Boss Kenny, it's best not to do anything before Greg Jensen arrives..."

"Why the hell are you babbling so much? Get the hell out!"

Wayne Cooper had no choice but to silently nod his head and lead his men out.