Chapter 135 Early Departure to Baidi City_1


Lois disregarded everything else and directly hugged his neck, nestling into his arms while whining coquettishly, "No, I want big brother to accompany me."


Greg felt the smaller body in his arms, and his entire being resembled an active volcano, ready to erupt at any moment.

Just as he thought about forcibly taking Lois back to her room, he discovered that the little girl in his embrace had actually fallen asleep.

Looking at her adorable and naive sleeping face, Greg couldn't help but chuckle, hastily stood up, and carried her back to her room.

Just as he was about to lay her on the bed, he noticed that her body was soaking wet, which left Greg somewhat at a loss.

After hesitating for a long time, he had no choice but to place her on a chair, fetch a clean towel, and carefully began wiping her down.

Lois, even in her sleep, seemed to be aware, and every time he wiped a ticklish spot, she couldn't stop giggling.

The room was quiet.