Chapter 139 What Am I?_1

Night had fallen, and in the middle of the lawn on the west side of the resort, a bonfire was lit, with several floodlights illuminating the lawn as bright as day.

The already long-marinated lamb cylinders were placed over the bonfire, and beside it, a resort chef was carefully turning the meat.

Before long, the aroma of wine and meat began to drift slowly into the air.

Greg led the two sisters, along with Spencer and the others, chatting and drinking.

The chef sliced off the outermost layer of roasted lamb, put it on a plate, and handed it out to Greg and the rest.

The slightly charred lamb, dipped in spicy cumin, was full of flavor in the mouth, and with a sip of the semi-sweet chilled wine, the taste was utterly indulgent.

Taylor Ware had come with Lois Abbott; she didn't recognize anyone else and couldn't join the conversation, so she just focused on her own eating but her gaze never left Greg.