Chapter 156 I say a number_1

After getting into the BMW X5 that Adrian Wright had left for him and glancing at the time, he realized it was already past two and decided to call Alfredo Harrison.

"Mr. Jensen, hello, are you planning to look at the house now?"

"Yes, that's right."

"Okay, I'll send a location to your phone, just follow the map and I'll be there shortly."

"Alright, thank you."

Alfredo Harrison hung up the phone and turned to his secretary. "Take the keys to Dreamscape Garden with you, we're going out."

Upon hearing the three words "Dreamscape Garden," the secretary trembled involuntarily like a startled cat and said with a quivering voice, "Mr. Harrison, that's Mr. Wright's friend you're talking about. Are you planning to rent Dreamscape Garden to him?"

"No, I'm going to sell it to him!"

An icy smile appeared on Alfredo Harrison's face. "What about Mr. Wright's friend? He chose that place himself; I can't be blamed for that."