Chapter 154 Disregarding the Facts_1

The patrol officer, feeling helpless, could only hold his patience and said, "When turning, you must yield to those going straight, regardless of whether they're fast or slow. As long as they're not speeding, it's entirely your fault."

He glanced at the passing traffic and said, "With this flow of traffic, even if he were speeding, it wouldn't be possible without crashing into another car by now. Do you understand now?"

Though still feeling upset, Ella Milton managed to say with a stoic face, "Putting the facts aside, does he really not have even the slightest bit of fault?"

"If you're putting the facts aside, then what the hell is there to talk about?"

"Haha, I've seen plenty of unreasonable people, but this is the first time I've seen someone so shameless," one spectator laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

The crowd of onlookers laughed until their stomachs ached.