Chapter 163 Catching the Adulterer_1

At this moment, Jaden Ford, who was sitting aside, suddenly spoke up, "Greg, if you're thinking about renovating Dreamscape Garden, I can help you find a company."

Greg's eyes lit up with surprise and he exclaimed, "You know a renovation company?"

"Yes, our family started with the renovation business, so I know quite a few people in that field. If you need it, I can get in touch with one for you later."

"Need it? I really need it."

Greg immediately beamed with joy and laughingly said, "Sister-in-law, I'll leave this matter in your capable hands."

Blushing at the term "sister-in-law," Jaden Ford's face turned red, but her eyes revealed delight as she smiled and said, "No need for formalities, Greg, we're all family here."

Adrian Wright, seeing this, teased, "Sister-in-law, Magnus is good in every way, but he's just too mischievous; you'll have to keep him in check."

Jaden Ford sneaked a glance at Spencer Burley and shyly said, "I think Magnus... is quite nice."

"You two..."