Chapter 208 Imagining_1

"We can just go by ourselves, why bring him along?"

Vivian Shimpson felt somewhat displeased seeing Greg Jensen was also coming.

Louisa Burley smiled and said, "The more, the merrier. Otherwise, it's just the two of us, what fun is that?"


Vivian Shimpson looked at Louisa Burley, sighed, and grudgingly agreed.

The four of them took a car and arrived at Tianhe KTV.

Talk about coincidence, this KTV was owned by the Carter Family. As soon as they walked in, they saw Theo Carter standing to the side, talking to a beautiful waitress.

"Theo, hitting on girls again?" Spencer Burley said with a chuckle.

Greg Jensen frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, "Since when did you two become so familiar?"

Spencer Burley replied, "Man, ever since we met that day, this kid got himself a membership card for the club. He's been running there every other day. It would be hard not to become familiar."