Chapter 211: Be There in a Moment_1

Greg Jensen returned home to find no one there, and it was only after making a call that he learned Vince Cooper wouldn't be coming back because he had class early the next morning.

Suddenly living alone, he actually felt a bit unaccustomed to it.

He hesitated for a moment before dialing the number Ryan Lampe had secretly left him.

"Hello, oh, I don't need a loan."


The call was disconnected.

"What's going on?"

Just as Greg was looking confused, a message came through, with just five words in it.

I'll be there soon.

Greg couldn't help but smirk, thinking to himself that this girl was quite clever.

Thinking of Ryan's enchanting figure, his breathing became somewhat rapid; after a moment, he decided to go take a shower first.

Meanwhile, Ryan was having dinner with Vince Cooper.

After sending the message, she looked up and said, "Vince, I've got something to do and won't be coming back tonight."

"Ah? What about your early class tomorrow?"