Chapter 215 What Counts for a Billionaire_1

Alfredo Harrison scoffed, "Heh, driving an H6? I've seen billionaires who drive beat-up vans. What's an H6 compared to that?"

Ella Milton's eyes lit up at the thought of Greg Jensen's handsome face and his tall and imposing figure, and she couldn't help but feel weak in the knees.

As she looked at Alfredo Harrison, her gaze became somewhat disdainful.

If she had to choose, she would naturally pick the young and handsome Greg Jensen. Why would she settle for a short man like Alfredo Harrison?

Her voice trembled slightly with excitement, "Billionaire? That man is a billionaire?"


Alfredo Harrison, with disdain, shook his head and said indifferently, "What does a billionaire amount to? After all, even billionaires have no recourse when faced with a haunted house."

Ever since he sold Dreamscape Garden to Greg Jensen, he had been keeping an eye on the renovation progress.