Chapter 238 You are a Chameleon_1

"How about we have a drink?"


Greg Jensen happily agreed and was about to open the bottle of red wine next to him when Liliana Grey stood up, went to a shelf nearby, and picked up a small square bottle.

After pouring the drinks, Liliana Grey raised her glass and smiled, "Thank you for saving me last night."

Greg Jensen smiled, "No need to be so formal."

Liliana Grey cocked her head to look at him and laughed, "Seems like I really don't need to be formal since you've also slept with me."

Greg Jensen's face darkened, and he silently took a sip of his drink.

Seeing his gloomy look, Liliana Grey couldn't help but laugh out loud, saying, "Alright, little brother, I'm just teasing you."

After drinking, Liliana Grey became much more talkative, and Greg Jensen went along with her topics of conversation.

After talking for a long while, Liliana Grey took the initiative to bring up the events of the previous night.