Chapter 261 Tricked_1

Adrian Wright's eyes lit up with curiosity and he asked, "Greg, where did you find this assistant?"

Greg Jensen glanced at him with disdain and said impatiently, "You'd better worry about how we're going to get that seven million back first."

"Haha, don't worry, their goods have already been stored in the warehouse, there's nothing to fear,"

Adrian Wright said with an unconcerned laugh.

Greg Jensen looked at Max Milton, who had a chilly expression, and said indifferently, "What if the goods are fake?"

Max Milton's mouth twitched briefly before returning to normal, but all of this did not escape Greg Jensen's sharp eyes.

Greg Jensen became even more convinced of his suspicion.

Adrian Wright was taken aback and said, "Come on, Greg, stop joking with me. A stone is a stone, how can it be fake?"

Greg Jensen was almost speechless with anger and snapped, "If you're going to be in the jade business, can't you at least learn a bit about jade?"