Chapter 297 Narrow Road for Enemies_1

Creed Humphrey laughed, "Just think about it, his expertise is in appraising jade, and there isn't much jade at this auction.

The majority are those mysterious old items, as well as some ancient books. As a jade appraiser who knows nothing about those, won't he have to keep his mouth shut?"

"Hey, when you put it like that, it really makes sense!"

Nathan Humphrey laughed with joy, "Does that mean his trip this time is just for show?"

"Yes, who decides what to buy and what not to buy at the end of the day, if not you?"

"Hahaha, Uncle Four really thinks things through."

Creed Humphrey smiled, "Compared to your mother who asked him to come over, it's just because she's afraid you'll be taken advantage of regarding the jade."

"True, that makes sense."

Nathan Humphrey felt much more comfortable, saying, "Alright, call me when we get there; I'm going to take a nap."

"Got it."