Chapter 305: A Grandmaster Must Not Be Insulted_1

Jeffrey Locke's face flushed red. He hurriedly followed behind, chuckling awkwardly, "Mr. Simmons, I'm really sorry about this mess.

We thought it was just about having a magic artifact, but we didn't realize it turned out to be a dud. I'm terribly sorry for wasting your time."

Antonio Conner paused mid-step and said indifferently, "Your ignorance can be forgiven, but speaking nonsense to insult my brother cannot."

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, please don't take it to heart," Joe Locke said awkwardly.

Antonio Conner scoffed, "You're just lucky that my brother is only a master of Dark Strength.

If he'd entered the ranks of the Innate Grandmasters, just for those few words you said just now, he could have killed you on the spot!

Remember my words; if you want to live, you'd better mind that broken mouth of yours. Remember, a Grandmaster must not be insulted!"

After he spoke, he no longer paid any attention to the Locke family members, turned, and quickly left.