Chapter 314: Big Earnings_1

Late at night, in the tea room of the Wang family club, Quinton Creed, Max Milton, and Cole Barnett were gathered together.

Greg Jensen sat in the main seat at the tea table, leisurely pouring several cups of tea in front of the three men, and said,

"I'm going to take back the one and a half million I lost, and I don't want a cent of the money won at the gambling table. You three split it among yourselves.

The money from selling the amulet I get forty percent, and you three split the remaining sixty percent. The shares from the Locke Corporation transfer to me now. Any problems?"

"No problem!"

Before his voice faded, Cole Barnett and Max Milton agreed.

Quinton Creed gave the two men a look and then asked cautiously, "Mr. Jensen, is it still possible to get back the eighteen million that Joe Locke owes?"

Greg Jensen's expression turned cold as he replied indifferently, "I want the shares of the Locke Corporation, do you understand?"