Chapter 329 Share Subscription_1

Jeffrey Locke was momentarily stunned, watching him with suspicion before asking, "You don't have a problem with that twenty-three percent of shares in your hands, do you?"

"No... no problem at all, how could there be a problem if it's in my hands."

Joe Locke forced a smile, "I'm just worried that twenty-three percent of shares is still too little, not enough to control the Locke Corporation."

"It's not too little, our family has quite a few senior executives with shares, and all together we're close to forty percent, which is enough."

Jeffrey Locke let out a long sigh of relief, comforting, "You don't need to panic, what big storm hasn't our Locke family weathered?

If we get through this, we will still be Jamae's First Family."

"Yes, we definitely will," Ethan Locke nodded forcefully.

"Well... I'm going to the bathroom."

Joe Locke swallowed, glanced at his father apprehensively, and hurried to the restroom, taking out his phone to call Quinton Creed again.