Chapter 342: Instant Kill_1

"How dare you!"

"Uncle Tyrese, there's no use talking nonsense with him, just kill him directly!"

Tyrese Gill glanced at Ethan Locke with a somewhat dissatisfied grunt, then assumed a starting stance, stepped forward with quick, short steps, and punched towards Greg Jensen's face.

Before the fist could reach him, the piercing sound of the fist cutting through the air was already howling towards him.

The knuckles, turned white from the grip, seemed to faintly emit a blue hue, as if they were enveloped by a semi-transparent True Qi.

Is this what they call "restrained but ready to release"?

Just the right moment to test my own strength!

Setting everything else aside and talking about the martial arts alone, Tyrese Gill was definitely the strongest opponent Greg Jensen had ever encountered.

He had no intention of dodging in the slightest, instead he swung his fists and struck out.

It was time to confront his opponent head-on and test his own mettle!
