Chapter 349 The Oil is Exhausted and the Lamp is Dry_1

"Mr. Jensen, you may not be fully aware of the value, but the Cultivation Technique you provided to Tracy is an invaluable treasure to our Ford family."

"We're not just talking about a few medicinal herbs here, even if we were to share half of the Ford family's assets with you, it would still be fair and reasonable."

"Yes, Mr. Jensen, please accept it. We wouldn't feel at ease with ourselves holding onto that Cultivation Technique."

Jaden Ford followed with a smile, "Greg, please don't refuse. This is also a token of my grandfather's gratitude."

"Well... okay then."

Seeing that Jaden Ford had also spoken, Greg hesitantly accepted.

Upon seeing this, Patrick Ford somewhat relaxed and smiled, "From now on, Mr. Jensen is a great benefactor to our Ford family. Should there be any tasks, we will go through fire and water to lend our help."

Greg replied with a wry smile, "You're too polite, it was but a trifle."