Chapter 363 All Family Contribution_1

The Simmons family of three became excited after grasping the key point, and their gazes at Greg Jensen all changed.

If their respect and attempts to please Greg before were due to his status as a half-step Grandmaster, now it was genuine respect.

"Mr. Jensen, as long as you can cure my dad, we, the Simmons family, are willing to do anything for you."

"Mr. Jensen, I have offended you in the past, from now on, my life, Donald Simmons', is yours to take whenever you wish."

Greg looked at the two middle-aged men swearing oaths before him and felt very calm inside. If it had been the old him, he would have been anxious and fearful, but at that moment, he was utterly untroubled.

He knew that this was a scene he had to experience as he grew.

Moreover, as his realm continued to advance, there would be more people, like the Simmons brothers today, grovelling before him.

Whether it was the longing of the weak for the strong, or out of fear, Greg didn't care.