Chapter 368 Digging a Hole_1

Mick Simmons's face turned cold as he spoke indifferently, "My dad has just gotten better and won't be sparring with anyone right now. Please leave."

"Heh, in that case, you might as well hand over Westland Pharmaceuticals. With Uncle Simmons like this, he shouldn't be bearing so much burden.

After all, our families are related by marriage. We can't just stand by and watch him suffer, can we?"

Elliot Morris said with a chuckle, seeming to have the Simmons family's best interest at heart, but in reality, he was just capitalizing on the Simmons family's vulnerability and looking to take advantage.

Enraged, Mick Simmons trembled all over and gave him a cold glance before turning to look at Hazel Simmons and Landon Morris.

Hazel Simmons turned pale with fear and shrank behind her husband, while Landon Morris's legs also went soft. But with his wife right behind him, he couldn't hide and could only give Mick Simmons an awkward smile.