Chapter 373: Qi Refinement Level 7_1


Fireworks in March.

A few gnarled peach trees sprouted new buds, blossoming into tender peach blossoms, fluttering in the wind with the promise of spring.

The stream diverted into the courtyard babbled and tinkled.

The pervasive mist added a touch of moisture to the peach trees.

A gust of spring breeze brought warmth.

A few scattered peach blossoms were lifted into the sky by the wind, dancing freely, tossed about by the raging gale.

The peach trees swayed gently with the wind, making a rhythmic rustling sound.

As the wind quickened, so did the sounds, calling out with the same vitality as the spirit of spring.

Inside the studio.

Liliana Grey felt completely drained, collapsing into Greg Jensen's arms, breathing heavily, not wanting to move at all.

So tired!

Even with the Cultivation Technique that Greg Jensen taught her, her physical strength couldn't keep up.