Chapter 382 Worthless_1

"Master Wang, good day."

"Master Wang, could you please..."

As Curtis Milton from Healington strode through the crowd, he quickened his pace, ignoring the greetings coming his way.

Finally, under the astonished gazes of the crowd, he stood in front of Greg Jensen.

Those triangular eyes were firmly fixed on the elixir on the table.

Curtis's gaze became serious as he inspected the elixir before looking up at Greg, "May I take a look?"

With an indifferent tone, Greg said, "Feel free."

Curtis nodded silently, pinched an elixir, examined it closely in front of his eyes, and then held it up to his nose for a deep sniff.

The rich scent of medicine filled his nostrils, and Curtis's eyes snapped open, his gaze intense as he looked at Greg and asked, "How much for one?"

"Three million apiece, non-negotiable," replied Greg, with a smile that was not a smile, counter-asking, "Do you find the price fair?"