Chapter 393: Lightly Described_1

"Rise." Greg Jensen said indifferently.

Upon hearing these words, Glen Wolfe felt as if he had been granted amnesty and struggled to stand up.

Seeing this, several Wolfe family members hurried over to help him to his feet.

Glen Wolfe's face was as pale as paper. After standing up, he bowed to Greg Jensen again and instructed in a low voice,

"Prepare a list of the family's assets quickly for Grandmaster Jensen to choose from."

However, Greg Jensen raised his hand and pointed at Curtis Milton, who had sneakily moved toward the back door, and said, "We can talk about those matters later. First, catch him and bring him back to me."


Glen Wolfe hesitated. Apologizing for his mistake was something he had to do, as he had failed to recognize true talent, and he couldn't blame anyone else. But to actively provoke Healington was something he dared not do.

"Do I need to say it a second time?"