Chapter 395: Marrying Him Isn't Bad_1

Jamae Burley residence.

Louisa Burley's complexion has been getting better and better, and she has been going out more often. However, in the past few days, she always stared blankly into a corner of the garden, lost in thought for the whole morning.

"Sis, guess who's here?"

"Mr. Jensen..."

When Louisa Burley heard the voice, she thought Greg Jensen had come and turned around with a face full of surprise, only to realize it was actually Vivian Shimpson who had arrived, and her face immediately dimmed.

"It's you."

"Who did you think it was?"

Vivian Shimpson snorted coldly, "Are you still thinking about that useless Greg Jensen?"

Louisa Burley didn't like to hear him described in such terms and quickly retorted, "Hey, don't always talk about Mr. Jensen like that, he's actually very capable."

"He is useless, isn't he? Managed to make some money with a restaurant and yet he doesn't stay there to watch it, nobody knows where he has run off to."