Chapter 401 Unrelated to Passion_1

Greg Jensen felt secretly delighted, but when he turned his head to look, he noticed that the group had already changed the topic, and Julia Hall was still the one driving the atmosphere.

Lauren Barnett retorted sharply a few times, while Asher Green helped the other party out at the right time.

As for Samantha Adams, she sat quietly on the side the entire time, her face bearing a soft smile as she watched the three of them.

Whenever the conversation happened to steer towards her, she would simply smile and reply briefly before falling silent again.

Her tranquil and gentle demeanor made her stand out, which involuntarily made Greg think of Louisa Burley.

Because, to him, Louisa Burley also possessed that elusive, mysterious charm.

It had been a long time since he last saw Louisa Burley, but they often chatted on the phone, mostly about trivial matters in life.