Chapter 407: Courting Death_1


A muffled sound!

A shadow whizzed out and fell to the ground with a thud, motionless without even a struggle, lying there dead still.

Johnie Milton and Lao Ba and the others were about to cheer for Lao Wu when they took a closer look and were all dumbfounded.

The one who had just flown out wasn't Greg Jensen, it was Lao Wu!

"Lao Wu..."

Lao Ba hurried over, turned over Lao Wu's body, and discovered that he was now bleeding from all seven orifices, his eyes wide open and breathless, dead beyond any doubt.

"Third Brother, Lao Wu... is dead!"

"What did you say?"

Johnie Milton's face went pale, and he rushed over. Seeing Lao Wu's ghastly state, he was immediately engulfed in raging fury.

He roared, "All of you, attack together, kill him for me, avenge Lao Wu!"

"Kill him!"

The remaining five or six burly men charged at once.


Greg Jensen frowned, then unexpectedly moved forward instead of back, walking into the crowd as if strolling in a leisurely garden.