Chapter 417 - Ascending the Stage_1

At this moment, silence reigned.

A young figure, under the watchful eyes of the crowd and like a victorious general returning from battle, exuded an aura of sharpness as he climbed the steps with his hands clasped behind his back.

Then, as leisurely as a stroll in a courtyard, he ascended with measured steps.

In an instant, all was still!

Surprise, curiosity, shock, fear, disdain... a mix of emotions swirled in the thousands of gazes that fell upon him.

Every step struck at the hearts of the onlookers, sending tremors through their spirits, and with each step, his momentum climbed higher and higher.

If the him below the stage was a treasure sword hidden in its scabbard, then the him who stood on the platform was like a deadly sword that had taken countless lives, unhesitatingly displaying its sharpness for the world to see.

Brows sharp as knives and eyes flashing like lightning, he slowly swept his gaze across the arena.