Chapter 429: Arrogance Courts Disaster_1

Milton Family Estate.

"Daley, do you think this Barry Wolfe really has some kind of background?"


Troy Milton shook his head and frowned, "If he truly had a background, he would have come knocking on our door a long time ago. Why wait until now?"

Simon Cooper nodded silently, lost in thought, "That's true, but... what about Lukas Simon?"

Trent Preston snorted coldly, "I bet Lukas Simon is still hoping that Barry Wolfe will help him dispel the negative energy, isn't he?"

"That makes sense!"

Troy Milton took a deep breath and said, "Regardless, let's first break the negative energy.

If, after dispelling the negative energy, Lukas doesn't make a move, then we'll think of another plan."

Simon Cooper's mind raced, and he whispered, "If we go to the hospital..."

He made a throat-slitting gesture, and the other two immediately understood, their eyes widening in shock.

Trent Preston lowered his voice urgently, "Old Simon, isn't this... a bit too risky?"