Chapter 442 Divine Dragon Transformation_1

Bradley Ford said, "Mr. Xu, if you find it useful, keep it; if not, throwing it away is no big deal."

"Rest assured, there's definitely no copy of this cultivation technique in my uncle's possession. The reason I'm giving it to you is because I couldn't find anything better to apologize with."

Greg Jensen fell silent for a moment, carefully examining the contents of the sheepskin scroll before rolling it up again with an indifferent expression, "Well then, I'll accept it."

Hearing his words, Bradley Ford breathed a sigh of relief, while Randy Locke's face showed a look of immense relief.

He laughed bitterly, "To be honest, giving it to you is also a good thing for me; I can finally stop obsessing over it."

Greg Jensen nodded, squinting his eyes without speaking.

Seeing this, Bradley Ford hurriedly said, "Then we won't disturb Mr. Xu's rest any longer."

"Mr. Xu, we take our leave."

Randy Locke cupped his hands in a salute and followed Bradley Ford out.