Chapter 452 The Resentment of the Little Assistant_1

Greg Jensen emphasized the word "fever" very heavily, and Patricia Stuart immediately understood, her face turning even redder.

Amelia Simmons hurriedly reached out to touch Patricia's forehead, curiously saying, "Huh, you don't have a fever. But why is your face so red?"

Patricia quickly said, "It's nothing, probably because I just took a bath."

Amelia Simmons breathed a sigh of relief, smiling, "Oh, as long as it's nothing."

"I'm hungry, let's go have dinner," she said.

Patricia, seeing Greg's mischievous eyes, felt more flustered and rushed off after dropping those words.

"What's wrong with Cousin?"

"Nothing, maybe she really is hungry!"

Greg laughed heartily as he wrapped his arm around Amelia's shoulder and headed to the downstairs restaurant.

In the restaurant, the lunch they hadn't had time to eat was still warming in the pot.

Patricia had calmed down and helped serve rice to both of them, still not daring to look Greg in the eye.