Chapter 456: It Still Has to Be Daley Rogers_1

Duncan Kong realized it was too late, and seeing that he could not avoid it, he did not try to dodge but instead punched Xavier Cooper fiercely in the chest.

And his arm was slashed by one of the blades, resulting in a wound.

Deep enough to see the bone!

Bright red blood gushed out continuously.

Duncan Kong's expression changed slightly, and only upon looking up did he notice that Xavier Cooper had suddenly produced two daggers in his hands.

"Thomas Lampe's insidiousness and ruthlessness, you have indeed learned well!"

Xavier Cooper was sent flying backward by the punch. Although he used Qinggong to offset most of the force, the punch still made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

He glared at Duncan Kong with a cold gaze and said, "In a life and death struggle, to talk of insidiousness is simply laughable!"

"Oh dear, stop fighting!"

Simon Cooper hurried over, trying to mediate, "Grandmaster Duncan, please stop, any more and it'll harm the good relations."